Filter Notification Preferences by Status

Corben Henry

PagerDuty has added the capability for subscribers to filter their alerts (notifications) by severity for their status page.
Can StatusCast add the ability to to offer subscribers with the notification preference options to filter their alerts by "degraded" or "unavailable" instead of just by "incident", "information" and "maintenance"?
Customers are now asking us through our support channels when we will offer similar options.


Activity Newest / Oldest


Corben Henry

In a recent conversation with statuscast team members, we discussed that a possible alternative approach to this request could be:
1. Notification preference "unavailable"
2. If Admin's initial post is "unavailable" it would notify
3. This would not apply to status post that escalate to "unavailable" after an initial post of any other status type.
I was told this felt more obtainable but have not heard back.


Corben Henry

I would imagine that you'd need to set up ruling for these scenarios.
i.e.: If a subscriber elects for notifications of "Unavilable" then they'll be notified whenever it is posted or escalated to "unavailable" but if a subscriber elects to receive notifications for degraded, then they're signing for both....
Don't offer both, just say "Unavailable Only", this would set expectations properly with subscribers and you would only have to solve for "if escalated, add subscribers" you wouldn't have to map downgraded options. Once added, subscribers wouldn't be removed. So long as it's communicated clearly, I see no reason not to further explore this, seeing how competitors are already offering it.


Customer Success

The concern expressed by the team in adding this is that if an incident begins as degraded, but becomes unavailable, the subscribers who are notified would only those who were tied to the initial incident notifications.


Customer Success

Status changed to: Under review