Clone an existing incident

Wayne Wilson

Ability to clone an existing incident. Reason for this request is easy. Microsoft releases updates on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Using the reference point of the 2nd Tuesday we patch the second Friday after the 2nd Tuesday. You cannot use a repeat of the 3rd Friday of the month as that may not be the true patch day based off the 2nd Tuesday. So ability to clone the incident so the verbiage and settings are correct and then change the date to the next month.


Activity Newest / Oldest


Customer Success

Hi Wayne, this use case is a bit unusual. The team is looking at adding additional fields to the Maintenance templates so that you can add the incremental notifications (x days, x hours before...), duration, and resolution text to the maintenance incident templates in late Q1 2024. We believe this will give the best option to have a nearly ready maintenance template for dates to be plugged into.


Customer Success

Status changed to: Under review